Sunday, July 26, 2009

Like Honey On My Lips

There is something spectacular about combining an ensemble of random ingredients, mixing them over just the right temperature, displaying it on the perfect dish and then savoring each bite...better yet, watching others enjoy your creation. I love to cook--I wish I didn't have to work so I could stand behind the stove concocting an assortment of dishes to try. I have no formal training, nor an extensive amount of skill in the kitchen, but I really enjoy mixing a bunch of ingredients together and seeing what happens. As much as I would like to say that I shop only at Whole Foods and only eat natural, fresh and organic foods--well, number one, I can't afford it and number two, who the heck has the time! So this is for those of us who love good food, wish we had wallets to match our sophisticated palates, enjoy cooking, eating out and occasionally use the microwave (I know...oh, the horror!) Bon Appetite!

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